Telegram has now announced a new Voice Chat functionality for members in a group to speak to each other in real-time without actually have to dial someone one-by-one. The new feature has been designed to create a Voice chat room for everyone in a meeting where users can talk short but live with others instead of everyone showing up at an allotted time.
In this post, we’ll help you explain , How to join in telegram channel. Voice Chat.
How to Join a Voice Chat
You can only join a Voice Chat on Telegram after a Voice Chat has been created by the group admin. When a Voice Chat has been created, a new “Voice Chat” bar will appear at the top of the group thread below the group profile. This bar will also show the number of people who are currently participating in the Voice Chat.
You can enter the Voice Chat in a Telegram Group at any time, provided you’re allowed to. If the admin of the group has enabled “Only admins can talk”, then you can only listen in on admins’ conversation if you’re not one of the admins of the group. If you are one of the admins or if “Only admins can talk” is disabled, you can join a conversation like everyone.
To join a Voice Chat, tap on the ‘Join’ button at the top right corner of the group thread. The ‘Join’ button will be available on the right-hand side of the Voice Chat bar at the top.
When you tap on ‘Join’, Telegram will now connect you with others inside Voice Chat.
How to Speak during a Voice Chat
When you create or join a Voice Chat on Telegram, your microphone will remain muted. When your microphone is on mute, the Microphone button at the bottom will glow in blue. To unmute your microphone and start speaking, tap on the Microphone button at the bottom of the Voice Chat screen.
When you tap to unmute yourself during a Voice Chat, the Microphone button will turn green and everyone who has joined the Voice Chat will now be able to listen to your voice.
You can now start speaking in the Voice Chat and every time you speak up, other participants of the chat will be able to see that you’re speaking. You can also check the list of people in a Voice chat to see who is speaking and who is listening at any point in time.
Are you excited to use the new Voice Chat feature on Telegram? Let us know in the comments below.